Visionary Family with Dr. Rob & Amy Rienow | #visionaryfamily - Visionary Family Ministries

Visionary Family

Capture a God-Sized Vision for your family

Encourage the generations of your family to grow together in faith


Catch a vision for how you & your family can make a difference in the world for Christ.

Never Too Late

If your adult children are struggling in their faith, it’s not too late for God to use you in their lives.

Healing Family relationships

A guide to peace & reconciliation.

Encourage & Strengthen Your Family

A Call To Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost here! This may actually be a week of intense spiritual battle for you and your family. The demonic forces in the...

The Virtue of Diligence

The Virtue of Diligence

Diligence is an essential virtue for the Christian and the Christian family - and one which we all struggle with to one degree or another. I invite...

Time for a Challenge

In our home, turning 13 is a big deal. We view it, in some ways, as the transition from childhood to adulthood. In centuries past this was more true...