Promote Your Event
We hope that the resources on this page will help you in promoting the Visionary Family event to your church and community. If you have any further questions, or need something that is not provided here, please contact us.
Dr. Rob Rienow
Dr. Rob Rienow’s most important ministry is his wife, Amy, and partnering with her to lead their seven children (and four grandchildren) to love and follow God. He is the founder of Visionary Family Ministries (, church planter, international conference speaker, and author of several books, including Visionary Parenting and Visionary Marriage. Rob’s passion is equipping families to live for Christ, and when he isn’t “fishing for men,” he enjoys fishing for fish. The Rienow family lives in the suburbs of Chicago.
Amy Rienow, MA
Amy Rienow’s first ministry is loving her husband, Rob, and nurturing faith in their seven children. Together, she and Rob co-founded Visionary Family Ministries, a ministry dedicated to equipping parents, strengthening marriages, and encouraging families to live for Christ. She is the author of several books, including Visionary Marriage, Five Reasons for Spiritual Apathy in Teens, and Shine: Embracing God’s Heart for You. Amy holds an MA in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College Graduate School and is a licensed clinical professional counselor. The Rienow family lives in West Chicago, IL.