Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “There are two ways we can fall off on this.” The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is a narrow path that leads to pleasing God in all things, but there are deep ditches on both sides. These ditches are the detours to sin and...
The church service finished about fifteen minutes ago. You are talking with a group of Christian friends, when a visitor approaches you and says, “I have some questions. Can you talk to me?” You and your friends are eager to help. “Sure, what’s on your mind?” “Well,...
By RW Rienow, age 15 In thinking about my time, priorities, and relationships, I wrote the following paragraphs… Do I see signs of disorganization in my life? Yes! Usually, I am on top of things such as school work and being on time to sporting events. But...
Pluralism and relativism are most deadly when they come together in matters of faith. A few years ago, I met weekly with a group of high school students at a local restaurant. None of them were Christians, and it would be an understatement to say that the group was...