Secrets of the Magi’s Gifts - Visionary Family Ministries
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Secrets of the Magi’s Gifts


At Christmas, we remember the extraordinary moment when God sent His Son into the world to bring salvation. The story of the wise men, found in Matthew 2, provides profound insight into who Jesus is through the gifts they brought: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These offerings were not just treasures of value but symbols of Jesus’s identity and mission.

Gold: Jesus Is King

Gold, a precious metal often associated with royalty, represents Jesus as King. In ancient times, gold was reserved for rulers, symbolizing authority and sovereignty. When the wise men presented gold to Jesus, they acknowledged His kingship—not just over Israel but over the entire world.

Scripture confirms this in Revelation 19:16, where Jesus is called the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” His reign is absolute, and all nations are under His authority. Even today, we are reminded of His sovereignty: “The government shall be upon His shoulders” (Isaiah 9:6). This gift calls us to bow in submission to Jesus as the ultimate ruler of our lives.

Frankincense: Jesus Is God

Frankincense, an aromatic resin, was commonly used in worship and temple rituals. Its inclusion as a gift signifies Jesus’s divinity. The wise men didn’t merely come to see Jesus; they came to worship Him as God.

Throughout Scripture, we see Jesus’s divine nature affirmed. He was fully human and fully God, offering Himself as the mediator between humanity and the Father. The gift of frankincense reminds us that Jesus is not only a king but also the Son of God, worthy of our worship and adoration.

Myrrh: Jesus Came to Die

Perhaps the most striking gift was myrrh, a substance used in embalming and burial practices. While unusual for a child, this gift prophetically pointed to Jesus’s ultimate mission: His death for the salvation of the world.

On the cross, myrrh appears again, mixed with wine and offered to Jesus (Mark 15:23). After His death, Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea used myrrh to prepare His body for burial (John 19:39). This gift foretold the sacrifice Jesus would make to conquer sin and death.

Giving Gifts to Jesus Today

As we celebrate Christmas, we often exchange gifts with family and friends. But what about giving a gift to the one whose birth we celebrate? Just as the wise men honored Jesus with meaningful gifts, we, too, can give gifts that reflect our love and devotion to Him.

Here are some ideas for gifts you can offer to Jesus this Christmas:

  • Starting a prayer journal.
  • Memorizing Scripture.
  • Trusting God in difficult situations.
  • Being more patient and loving toward family members.
  • Serving others in your community.

In our family, we make it a tradition to have a birthday party for Jesus, complete with a cake and the sharing of gifts we want to offer Him. It’s a way to center our celebration on Christ and remind ourselves of the true meaning of Christmas.

A Call to Worship

The story of the wise men is a call to worship. Their journey, their gifts, and their reverence for Jesus challenge us to examine how we honor Christ in our lives. This Christmas, may we reflect on the significance of His kingship, His divinity, and His sacrifice. Let us offer Him our hearts, our lives, and our devotion as the ultimate gifts.

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