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Mission Singapore: Day 3

God continues to bless our journey and our mission. Our brothers and sisters in Christ here have shown us tremendous hospitality. The food has been delicious. Although I had a funny experience at lunch today. I was served what looked like a bowl of soup, and told it...

Mission Singapore: Day 1

What an honor to be here! I left Chicago Monday 500pm and arrived in Singapore on Wednesday at 1230pm. God is doing amazing things here in giving churches a vision for family ministry. I was invited to join an amazing team led by Ben and Jennifer Freudenberg, along...

Bashing Dads in Church

Father’s Day is coming up fast. In many churches, an entire sermon will be dedicated to the issue of fatherhood. Sadly, many of these sermons will be laced with jokes about how men are bumbling idiots, how they are passive spiritually, and to top it off, how...
The Family and Global Evangelism

The Family and Global Evangelism

God created the family to play an essential role in world evangelization. In this message, Rob Rienow walks through the Bible connecting the institution of family and the Great...
Husbands and Spiritual Warfare

Husbands and Spiritual Warfare

Men, if you seek to commit yourself to love your wife, to serve her, and to become the spiritual leader in your marriage, you should prepare yourself for major spiritual attack. Satan will throw everything at you to prevent you from being the man God calls you to be,...

How Many, How Soon?

How do Christians make big decisions? Will you go to college? If so, where will you go? Will you get married? Is he or she the one? Will you take that new job? If you are a Christian, how do you go about making big decisions like these? There are a few things...

Authority and Accountability – by Amy Rienow

Have you ever considered that our society is composed of institutions? There are the institutions of government, education, and business. God created the primary institution of society when He created families. Our society is not really made up of individuals, but of...

A Father’s Apology

Richard came to Christ later in life. In his first marriage, prior to his conversion, he made choices that hurt his son Steven. While Richard and his son have a cordial relationship today, Steven is far from God. Richard knew if he was to point his son’s heart to...

Why Living Together Will Wreck Your Relationship

One of the most common, but flawed reasons people get married is because they feel they are “compatible.” Couples are even encouraged to live together in order to discover this mystery of relationship compatibility. Tragically, 80% of couples who live together before...

The Battle with Pluralism and Relativism

Pluralism and relativism are most deadly when they come together in matters of faith. A few years ago, I met weekly with a group of high school students at a local restaurant. None of them were Christians, and it would be an understatement to say that the group was...