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Husband: No Job Description Necessary

Husband: No Job Description Necessary

Who Needs a Job Description? Men, imagine that you have been working at the same job, with the same company for ten years. Things are going well. You have respect inside and outside the company. Job security isn’t a concern, and the bills are getting paid. It’s Monday...
Husband: No Job Description Necessary

My Marriage Prayer Life = D-

For the first twelve years of our marriage, I would give myself a D- grade in the area of taking the lead in praying with Amy. It was probably more like an F, but D- makes me feel a little better. As God began to turn my heart toward Amy, I increasingly fought through...

What is Parenting Success?

Imagine a television camera, far in the future, panning the living room of the Rienow home. The walls are plastered with achievement awards and first-place ribbons. Athletic trophies glimmer from their perch on the top of the piano. Photographs of our children and...
Husband: No Job Description Necessary

Is the Husband the Head of the Wife?

To suggest that the husband has a leadership role in the marriage instantly causes tension. This flies in the face of everything our culture teaches. Here are three statements which we need to carefully consider. As a Christian, do you agree or disagree with this...
Husband: No Job Description Necessary

Learning to Serve

In recent years, God has been growing my character in the area of service. One of the ways that God has helped me improve, is by talking with Amy about where her pressure points are. Pressure points can be specific times of the day, or days of the week, which are...
Did you receive a spiritual legacy?

Did you receive a spiritual legacy?

You are not alone in this world. You were never meant to be alone. Faith is supposed to come to us through a long line of men and women who know God and love Him. Sadly, few of us have a heritage like that. Some of you are first-generation Christians. Your parents...
Did you receive a spiritual legacy?

Terminal Illness

Imagine if your children inherited a terminal disease from you. Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to find a cure for them? This is not an imaginary situation. Our kids have inherited something much worse than a terminal illness. They have inherited a sinful...
Can you be a Christian and not go to church?

Can you be a Christian and not go to church?

A few years ago, I spoke at a Christian youth retreat. They asked me to preach on John 15, the passage where Jesus teaches about the vine and the branches. Jesus’ primary call to His disciples in that passage is that they “abide in me.” Jesus begins to explain what...
Can you be a Christian and not go to church?

The Battle from the Beginning

Our response to the Word of God has been the central issue from the beginning of history. At the beginning of Genesis 3, God has already made Adam from the dust of the ground, and made Eve from Adam’s rib. God’s perfection is completely reflected in a perfect world....
Did you receive a spiritual legacy?

“Twisted” Preaching

The word “preaching” has been twisted and redefined in two ways: “Preaching” is something that pastors do from the pulpit. The early Christians understood that “preaching” was something every Christian was called to do as they...