Dr. Rob Rienow, Founder, Author & Speaker - Visionary Family Ministries

Dr. Rob Rienow

Founder, Speaker & Author

Rob married Amy in 1994, and they have been blessed with seven children and three grandchildren. His most important ministry is loving his wife and teaching the generations of their family to know and love God. Rob’s mom came to Christ shortly after he was born, so he was introduced to Jesus at an early age. His parents divorced when he was in high school, and God used that painful time in his life to give him a heart for young people and families going through dark times. He attended Wheaton College, then completed an MA in theology at Wheaton College Graduate School, an MDiv from Trinity International Divinity School, and a Doctor of Ministry in Christian Leadership from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

Rob’s life dramatically changed in 2004 when God brought him to a place of deep repentance over disciplining other people’s children but not his own. He was a spiritual leader at church but passive with his family. During that time of repentance, God turned his heart to the ministry of his children and his wife. God then led Rob and Amy to launch Visionary Family Ministries, a ministry designed to help families around the world follow Jesus.

Through 30 years of ministry as a pastor, church planter, and family ministry leader, Rob’s heart is to bring hope and help to every family by sharing the Gospel and God’s intricate plan for families as found in Scripture. He is the author of the books Visionary Parenting, Visionary Marriage, Healing Family Relationships, and Visionary Church. When Rob is not fishing for men, he enjoys fishing for fish. The Rienow family lives in West Chicago, IL.