We live in a world of delegation parenting. Do you want your children to learn to play the piano? Sign them up for piano lessons. Do you want them to learn basketball? Find a coach. Do you want them to learn math? Hire a tutor. Do you want them to learn about Jesus?...
I believe that one of the essential jobs of the local church is to equip Christian parents to take the lead in spiritually training their children. Passing faith to our kids is not the church’s job – it is ours. But what about all the unsaved kids who don’t have...
Here is something I have observed in many churches. Perhaps you have seen it too. Children grow up through our children’s ministries and they love it! They move into the cool junior high group and once again, they love it! Then, it is off to high school with all the...
Most of the time when we need to discipline our children, we are confronted with both an incorrect action and an incorrect attitude. Sometimes, however, we encounter a right action with a wrong attitude. For example, suppose you tell your son to...
God is building His Kingdom, and establishing His King over that Kingdom – His Son Jesus Christ. This message from Dr. Rob Rienow was the concluding sermon from Gospel Fellowship Church’s two year study through the book of Acts. It will encourage you to...
In our home, turning 13 is a big deal. We view it, in some ways, as the transition from childhood to adulthood. In centuries past this was more true than it is today, as we have sadly extended “childhood” under the guise of “adolescence” well...
Should the abortion issue be a “litmus” test for Christian voters? As you will hear in this six minute mp3, I believe the answer is absolutely yes. If you are interested in listening to the entire sermon from which this excerpt was taken you can...
Are you concerned about the spiritual health of your teenager? Does your teen sometimes have a “whatever” attitude toward the Lord, church, Scripture, prayer…and even life in general? I invite you to listen to this new mp3 seminar, Five Reasons for...
Few commandments in the Bible strike more fear into teenagers than, “honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). To make matters worse, God gives us this command new fewer than eight times throughout the Bible! This is especially difficult for those of us who...