The idea of “church membership,” or “joining a church,” has become increasingly unpopular in recent decades. It sounds and feels so old-fashioned! Perhaps some associate “membership” with things like Netflix or a country club. Many...
Only someone who has served as a pastor truly knows how overwhelming it is. There is never a day where the pastor leaves the church with the sense that all that needed to be done that day was completed. Most churches expect their pastors/elders to do far more than the...
The Crucifixion of Marriage Guest writer – Aaron Amstutz – February 11, 2013 Marriage was on trial and she was left defenseless. Oh sure, she was defended in the religious courts, but the trial was occurring in the civil courts and to most watching eyes she...
If we are silent about what God has said about the gift of singleness (1 Cor 7), those who are single in the church will be vulnerable to deceptive philosophies of the world. Consider these two examples of how singles are hurt by a lack of teaching and biblical...