Teen Crushes, Living Together & More – Special Q&A Edition - Visionary Family Ministries
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Teen Crushes, Living Together & More – Special Q&A Edition


In this special Q and A edition of Family Vision, Dr. Rob and Amy Rienow respond to questions from listeners. A mom is concerned that their 16-year-old daughter is boy crazy. She is going from heart break to heart break. How can the mom help her daughter become healthier in her relationships with boys? A youth pastor wants to do a better job connecting with and partnering with parents. He asks for practical ways that his ministry can include and equip parents. A young couple has been dating for a long time but are not ready to get married. They are thinking a good next step might be to live together. What advice would Rob and Amy give? Enjoy this special Q and A edition of Family Vision. Would you like to have your questions answered on future episodes? Send your question about faith and family to podcast@visionaryfam.com

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