Learning Discipleship From Jesus – with Barrett Johnson - Visionary Family Ministries
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Learning Discipleship From Jesus – with Barrett Johnson


Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles in life, and for Christian parents, it carries the added responsibility of nurturing their children’s spiritual growth. Discipling your children—helping them grow in their faith and follow Jesus—is at the heart of biblical parenting. But how do we effectively disciple our children in today’s world? The answer lies in looking at how Jesus discipled His followers and applying those same principles to our parenting.

Here are five key principles from Jesus’ approach to discipleship that can transform the way we raise our children in the faith.

1. Abide in Christ

The foundation of effective discipleship is abiding in Christ. Jesus constantly withdrew to spend time with His Heavenly Father, modeling the importance of staying connected to God. In John 15:5, He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

As parents, our relationship with God is the most important factor in our ability to lead our children spiritually. If we are not abiding in Christ—through prayer, scripture, and worship—we will struggle to guide our children. Our personal connection with God needs to be strong so that we can model a vibrant faith for our kids. Simply put, we cannot lead our children where we ourselves are not going.

2. Model the Christian Life

Jesus not only taught His disciples but also modeled the life He wanted them to live. His actions, prayers, and relationships were all examples of what it meant to follow God. In the same way, parents need to live out their faith in front of their children. Children learn much more from what we do than what we say.

If you want your children to know how to pray, let them see you praying. If you want them to understand the importance of serving others, involve them in acts of service. Modeling the Christian life means being intentional about living out your faith in daily routines and interactions. When children witness their parents’ genuine faith, they are more likely to internalize those values and follow that example.

3. Teach Biblical Truth

Jesus consistently taught His disciples the truths of God’s Word. As parents, we are called to do the same with our children. It’s easy to assume that children will absorb biblical knowledge by simply being around us or attending church, but intentional teaching is essential.

Make time to read the Bible with your children and discuss its meaning. Encourage them to ask questions and explore how biblical principles apply to their lives. A simple method is to ask three questions after reading a passage: What does it say? So what does it mean for us? Now what are we going to do about it? These conversations not only teach children the Word of God but also show them how to apply it in their daily lives.

4. Encourage Application

Teaching biblical truth is important, but it’s equally important to give children opportunities to apply what they have learned. Jesus sent His disciples out to practice what He had taught them, giving them hands-on experience in living out their faith.

As parents, we can do the same by involving our children in ministry opportunities, service projects, or even small acts of kindness within the family or community. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, serving at church, or sharing their faith with friends, children need practical experiences that allow them to put their faith into action. These moments help them see how God works through them and reinforce the lessons they are learning.

5. Build Strong Relationships

The final principle of Jesus’ discipleship was His deep, personal connection with His disciples. He invested time in building relationships with them, and this relational aspect was key to their growth. For parents, building a strong, loving relationship with your children is crucial for effective discipleship.

Children are more receptive to guidance when they feel connected to their parents. Spend quality time with them, listen to their concerns, and foster an environment of trust and love. As your relationship with them grows, they will be more open to following your spiritual guidance. A strong parent-child relationship also helps to protect and nurture their faith during the challenges of adolescence and beyond.

Conclusion: Discipleship Starts at Home

Parenting is an incredible opportunity to shape the faith of the next generation. By abiding in Christ, modeling a life of faith, teaching biblical truth, encouraging application, and building strong relationships, we can disciple our children just as Jesus discipled His followers.

Raising children to love and follow Jesus is a long-term commitment, but it’s also one of the most important callings we have as parents. Start today by intentionally living out these principles, and trust that God will work through you to guide your children on their spiritual journey.

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