Disciple Them Like Jesus – with Barrett Johnson - Visionary Family Ministries
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Disciple Them Like Jesus – with Barrett Johnson


In today’s fast-paced world, one of the greatest callings for parents and grandparents is to help their children grow in faith. As Christians, the responsibility to disciple our children is a central part of the Great Commission, and it starts within the walls of our homes. This concept, grounded in biblical teachings, emphasizes that our role as parents and grandparents is not just to provide for physical and emotional needs but also to nurture spiritual growth.

Discipleship Begins at Home

The command to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20) is often thought of in the context of global missions, but it applies just as strongly to the family. Every Christian parent is called to guide their children toward a deep relationship with Jesus, ensuring that their home is the first place where discipleship occurs. Our families are our first mission field, and we are given the unique opportunity to influence the next generation’s faith journey.

As Barrett Johnson, a longtime advocate for family discipleship, explains, the process of discipling children is modeled after how Jesus discipled His followers. Jesus didn’t just teach from afar—He walked closely with His disciples, guiding, mentoring, and shaping their lives. Parents are given a similar role in the lives of their children, to walk alongside them in their faith journey, teaching them to love and obey God.

Prioritizing Spiritual Growth

Many parents naturally focus on their children’s academic success, extracurricular achievements, and character development. While these are important, spiritual growth is the foundation that strengthens all other aspects of life. Helping children understand God’s purpose for their lives will shape their worldview, relationships, and future endeavors.

Jesus’ approach to discipleship can offer practical guidance for families. He spent time with His disciples, shared His teachings, and lived as a role model. As parents, living out our faith daily and being present in our children’s lives are key aspects of nurturing their spiritual development. Whether through family prayer, reading scripture together, or simply modeling Christ-like behavior, our example will speak volumes.

The Heart of the Great Commission at Home

When Jesus commanded His followers to “go and make disciples,” He began with their immediate surroundings—Jerusalem. For parents, this “Jerusalem” is their home. Before reaching out to the world, parents are tasked with the souls God has placed closest to them: their children.

Discipleship at home is about intentionality. It’s about creating an environment where children can grow in their understanding of God’s Word and His love for them. By building this foundation, parents equip their children to step out into the world as confident followers of Christ.

Hope for Parents of Older Children

For parents with older children who may have drifted away from their faith, the message of hope is clear: it’s never too late to make a difference. God can work in any situation, no matter how challenging. Consistent prayer, humility, and a loving, non-adversarial approach can make a powerful impact, even when children seem resistant.

Parents should remember that God’s timing is perfect. The Bible is filled with stories of people returning to Him after walking away, and through continued faithfulness, there is always hope for restoration.

Making Disciples for Life

Ultimately, the greatest gift parents can give their children is the knowledge of God’s love and the desire to follow Him. By focusing on discipleship at home, parents fulfill one of the most important purposes in life. As Johnson beautifully puts it, this mission shapes not only the spiritual future of children but also their entire lives. When children are guided by a deep relationship with Jesus, everything else—academics, career, character—falls into place under the umbrella of God’s plan.

If you’re looking for practical guidance and encouragement on how to make disciples of your children, consider exploring resources like Disciple Them Like Jesus, a tool designed to help parents embrace their role as the primary spiritual guides in their children’s lives. As you walk through this journey, remember that God has placed you in this role with great purpose. Your efforts in nurturing your children’s faith will have an eternal impact.

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