Battle for our Kids Hearts, Part 2 - Visionary Family Ministries

Battle for our Kids Hearts, Part 2


As parents, we focus our attention on our kids’ academics, sports, and activities. But how much attention do we give to our “heart connection” with them? How much attention do we give to building our relationship? Heart connection is essential for influence.

The Bible gives us a vision of the hearts of parents turned to their children, and the hearts of children turned to their parents. It is a vision of “heart connection.” Therefore, if God wants heart connected relationships, we can be sure that Satan wants to break any and all heart connections between parents and their children.

In today’s episode, Dr. Rob and Amy Rienow share their parenting journey and talk about this biblical principle of heart connection.

Listen to part 1 of this conversation LINK.

Learn more about how you can build a heart connected relationship with your child through

  • Not So Perfect Mom LINK
  • The Heart of Your Teen LINK
  • Five Reasons for Spiritual Apathy in Teens LINK
  • Never Too Late LINK
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