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D6 Conference 2012 Special Offer

The D6 Conference is doing a special promotion for readers of my blog. Everyone who registers for the D6 Conference before March 30 using the code VisionaryD6 will get a free copy of my book Visionary Marriage. If you register 10 people from your group, you get 10...
Building a Christian Worldview in Your Children

Building a Christian Worldview in Your Children

What does it mean to have a Christian worldview? What do your children need to make an impact for Christ in the world? In this message, Dr. Rienow encourages parents to give their children three essential ingredients to shape their hearts and minds for...

The Family and Global Missions

The latest issue of Frontiers Magazine asks the question, “Is the Family God’s Primary Means of Global Evangelism?” I was honored to contribute an article. Here is the link. I would be grateful if you would leave a reply with your thoughts and share...

Pro-Life is Not Enough

God’s pro-life church I grieve over the decreasing volume from the evangelical church on the issue of abortion. Have we grown weary in fighting back against those who welcome the murder of children? Have we found more pressing issues which need our attention?  The...

Ministry In The Oikos

In the early church, Gospel ministry was driven in and through homes. The early church gathered in homes for corporate worship on Sundays.[1] For men to be qualified to serve as elders in the church, they first needed to demonstrate they were shepherding their family...

How the Church Hurts Singles

If we are silent about what God has said about the gift of singleness (1 Cor 7), those who are single in the church will be vulnerable to deceptive philosophies of the world. Consider these two examples of how singles are hurt by a lack of teaching and biblical...

My Uncle Would Not Be Pleased

Satan and the demons are doing all they can to war against the Lord of Hosts. They cannot hurt Him directly, so they focus all of their weapons on those He loves. Satan’s top priority is to strike at the core sphere. More than anything else, he desires to turn the...

Pregnant and Ashamed

A few weeks ago, a woman shared a heartbreaking story with me. God had blessed her and her husband with eight children. Every day, they were pouring themselves out with Great Commission intensity to “make disciples” of these immortal souls whom God had entrusted into...


One of the great revivals in the Old Testament took place when the servants of King Josiah found the lost Book of the Law (The portions of the Bible which had been given up to that point in history). It is presumed that Josiah’s wicked grandfather Manasseh had hidden...

Jesus and His Siblings

Jesus is the most important person who has ever lived. He is the one and only God-man. Christians study his life, as has been revealed in the Gospels, backwards and forwards. Yet for the first thirty years in my walk with Christ, even after going through seminary, I...