Visionary Church with Dr. Rob Rienow | #visionarychurch - Visionary Family Ministries

Visionary ChurchES

Uniting Church & Family in the Great Commission

Discover God’s mission for your family & church to spread the Gospel.

God is always on the move, building His Church and advancing the Gospel through the generations. One of the ways He has been powerfully moving around the world during the past 30 years is in the area of family ministry. The Holy Spirit has awakened church leaders and parents to the essential need for ministry, worship, prayer, and Scripture—not just at church, but in our homes.

God created the institution of the family and the institution of the local church with distinct purposes. Both exist for the glory of God and the spreading of the Gospel. Visionary Church seeks to reclaim the simple, transformational, and global mission revealed in Scripture for both the church and family.

Build a Vibrant Family Ministry for Your Church

Family ministry is not simply helpful or beneficial, but necessary and essential to the work of the local church. God has created two fundamental institutions to advance His Gospel and build His Kingdom in the world—the church and the family. At the heart of this movement is uniting the church and the family in the Great Commission.

Born out of Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Family Worship is an intentional plan to help our children follow Jesus and love God with all our hearts. It involves taking a few moments of the day together as a family to read the Bible and pray. While family worship is not a magic formula, the practice invites the Lord to work in the hearts of parents and kids, to ensure that the faith is passed to the next generation within our homes.

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What Pastors & Churches Are Saying

“Author, Rob Rienow, in humility yet candidly makes a convincing case for the reforming of the Church based on sufficiency of scripture, jurisdiction of the Church, with family first and a limited local church as partners in making disciples to advance the Gospel. Rob carefully examines scripture of what Christ intended for his Church and what needs to be done today. A must read that may surprise followers of Jesus and church leadership. I wish this book existed 30 years ago. Don’t miss this important work.

— John K,

In his book Visionary Church, Dr. Rob Rienow evaluates the various ministries of the local church through the lenses of the sufficiency of Scripture and the jurisdictions of the individual, the family, church, and government. His observations of church ministries corroborate the patterns he finds in Scripture to help identify which jurisdiction is responsible for a ministry and which is not. His conclusions may surprise some church goers, but the local church will be more effective if these principles are followed with intentionality.

— Customer,

“20+ years of full-time pastoring frustration and questions are answered from Scripture. God designed the church and the home, so His plan as revealed (clearly and abundantly) in Scripture will be best! Why do our “good church” families fail? Why does so much effort go so badly in the long run of youth ministry? Why are kids programs like pulling teeth?

Rob lays out a doctrinal, textual, and practical answer to almost every question regarding how should church engage with the family. I really appreciated how he does not condemn any and all versions of local church programs but presses the biblical why and how behind those program/organizing mechanisms.
This book really gives us a refreshing look at a great plan for recovering the healthiness of the home and the effectiveness of the local church at growing the kingdom. This will become a training manual for all of our apprentices, staff, directors, and leaders at our church.

Rebecca H,