Visionary Churches Archives - Page 8 of 11 - Visionary Family Ministries
Teaching Your Kids Sexuality 101

Teaching Your Kids Sexuality 101

We live in a culture of sexual confusion, chaos, and lies. Christian parents need to understand God’s truth about manhood, womanhood, marriage, and sexuality and we need a plan to help share that truth with our children. In this episode, Dr. Rob Rienow will equip you with essential biblical principles about sexuality along with practical ways to share them with your children.

The Influence of the Firstborn Child

The Influence of the Firstborn Child

Firstborn children make a huge impact in a family system. Leadership and character can trickle down from the oldest child to younger siblings, and the opposite is also true. Join Dr. Rob and Amy Rienow, along with their special guest, RW Rienow. They share their stories, key Scriptures, and parenting strategies to help your firstborn child be a spiritual leader for the next generation.

Kids Sports: Blessing or Curse?

Kids Sports: Blessing or Curse?

Sports can make a big impact in life of your child and your family. But sports can also get out of control – financially, emotionally, and relationally. In this episode, RW Rienow joins his parents, Dr. Rob and Amy Rienow for an important conversation about how families can enjoy the gift of sports and use them to make a difference in the world for Christ.

Planning a Family Retreat

Planning a Family Retreat

You have had your kids go on retreats and attend camps. But have you ever invested in family retreat or family camp? Join us today on Family Vision.

Not So Perfect Mom

Not So Perfect Mom

Many moms live under the burden of guilt and a constant feeling of falling short. In today’s episode, Dr. Rob Rienow interviews his wife Amy about her journey. Amy shares key Scriptures and how God worked in her heart to help her focus on the things that matter most.

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 4

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 4

God used the early Christian families to spread the good news of Jesus. He wants to use our families to do the same thing today. In the final episode of this four part series, Dr. Rob Rienow shares powerful Scriptures from the New Testament to help you embrace God’s vision and purpose for your family. For a deep dive into how God can use your church and family to impact the world read Visionary Church (Coming Spring 2021).

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 3

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 3

What did Jesus teach about family relationships? What can we learn from Jesus’ relationship with His own family? In part three of this four part series, Dr. Rob Rienow shares powerful Scriptures from the Gospels which will expand your vision for how God can use your family to bless the world and share the good news of Jesus. For a deep dive into how God can use your church and family to impact the world read Visionary Church (Coming Spring 2021).

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 2

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 2

God created your family for a Kingdom purpose. Throughout the Bible, God connects His plan for the world with families. In part two of this four part series, Dr. Rob Rienow shares amazing Scriptures from Judges through Malachi which will strengthen your faith and family.

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 1

Impacting the World Through Your Family, Part 1

Are you concerned about conflict and divisions in the nation? Healing nations begins in our homes. Join us today as we talk about how God wants to use our families to impact the world for Christ.

Helping Families Through COVID-19 & Beyond

Helping Families Through COVID-19 & Beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic has put extraordinary pressures on marriages and families. I was speaking to a family attorney yesterday who told me that he has received more calls to initiate divorce proceedings in the last three weeks than in the past two years. While we do...