Awareness by JD Rienow - Visionary Family Ministries

Awareness by JD Rienow


OK, proud dad moment here. My 12 year old son, JD, wrote this poem a couple of weeks ago about a little talked about Christian virtue — Awareness.

I will be happy to pass any comments you have on to him.


Her kindness is incomparable.

She brings people out of the shadows of loneliness.

Her presence reflects light and love.

She turns selfishness into selflessness.

This is Awareness.

Greed and Selfishness

She cannot stand.

A haughty, self-centered, and exclusive clique these two have devised.

Though they are enemies, Awareness prays for them and always offers a helpful hand.

 The kindness of Awareness is what Selfishness and Greed despise.

Her path with these two goes back a long way.

In the past SHE used to be the lonely hiding in the darkness.

Greed and Selfishness excluded her and she would turn,

Slip away.

Yet because of her loneliness she now understands the loneliness of others

She cannot bear

 Having them in the same darkness.

God must have amazing plans for Awareness yet we know not what they are.

 The Mission field?

A neighbor-hood?

 A home?

 My own heart?

Even though we may not know what she will do,

 She will be prepared.

Whether it be seeking a stranger from afar or sweetly serving a mother at home


Ready for whatever is to come.