Pregnant and Ashamed - Visionary Family Ministries

Pregnant and Ashamed


A few weeks ago, a woman shared a heartbreaking story with me. God had blessed her and her husband with eight children. Every day, they were pouring themselves out with Great Commission intensity to “make disciples” of these immortal souls whom God had entrusted into their care. Then came more blessed news. She was pregnant! Their emotions were completely torn. On one hand, they were rejoicing that God had seen fit to reward them again. They were eager to embrace God’s “missional”, “externally-focused” calling to do all in their power to raise that child for the glory of God.

On the other hand, they were terrified to share the news. They weren’t worried about sharing with their neighbors. They weren’t worried about sharing with their co-workers. They were afraid to share with their brothers and sisters in Christ at church. So outside of sharing with two very close friends, they chose to rejoice secretly. They could not face the looks, disapproval, and at times outright criticism.

One of the great concerns in the early church was the infiltration of worldly philosophy into the church. I believe it is happening today in far greater degree than we realize. How could a Christian local church look down upon a couple who was eagerly welcoming children into the world? This happens when the church draws its philosophy from the world, rather than from the Bible alone.