The Heart of Your Teen - Building Heart-Connections with Teenagers

Visionary Parenting

Building heart-connections with your teen

Build a Better Relationship with Your Teen so They Can Build a Better Relationship with God.

Parenting a teen can be quite the emotional roller coaster ride. Parents in the midst of this season of parenting want to better understand what teens are thinking and feeling. Lissy Rienow shares the teenage point of view about the toughest issues families face today. Her heart for families shines through as she encourages and equips parents to fight for a stronger connection with their teen. Readers will discover what is involved in building this heart-connection that brings families together.

The Heart of Your Teen

For Parents:
An Insider Look at the Parent-Teen Relationship

Living for Christ at home

For Teens:
An Encourgement for Teens

What Parents & Pastors Are Saying

“Such a simple read with honest reflections from a teenager. I applied many of her principles with my teens and found open doors of better communication. Funny how we forget our teenage selves as we age. I appreciated the author’s sincerity for connection with her family.

— Customer,

I am a Youth & Worship Pastor for the past 15 years in the same church, and a father to 4 future teenagers. Working with teens and raising future teens comes with its challenges. It is difficult at times learning to be a parent, while being a parent. It’s easy to react to situations, and not be proactive and ready. Lissy’s book does a great job giving insights to the way teens think, and is a good reminder to parents what it was like to be a teenager.

— Customer,

I have long been a fan of Lissy Reinow’s father’s ministry, Visionary Family Ministries. I was impressed by the quality of content and writing done by the next generation in this book. It beautifully supplements the work done by Rob Rienow and the ministry by speaking from the perspective of one who has recently completed the teen years.

— Customer,

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Encouraging parents to impress the hearts of their children with a love for God.

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