Preparing for a Visionary Marriage - Build a Foundation for Life Together

Preparing For a Visionary Marriage

Build a Marriage That Will Last a Lifetime

A 9 Part Video Bible Study to Encourage & Equip Couples with a Christian Vision for Your Marriage

Becoming One
God calls husband and wife to become one in marriage. Discover what “oneness” means and how to experience it. 

The Power of Forgiveness
Every marriage experiences hurt and conflict. Learn how to forgive your spouse, and break free from old family wounds.

Being honest and communicating with gentleness and respect are essential practices for a healthy marriage. Engaging with these biblical principles will bring you closer together.

Financial conflict is one of the biggest reasons for divorce. In the pages of Scripture, God gives us powerful financial principles to strengthen our families and make a difference in the world for Him. 

God created sexuality as a wonderful gift for a married couple. These biblical foundations will strengthen and protect your intimacy in marriage.

God's Mission for Husbands
Husbands are called by God to special missions and responsibilities in the marriage and family. Learn how practicing these missions can bless and transform your marriage. 

God's Mission for Wives
Wives are called by God to special missions and responsibilities in the marriage and family. Learn how practicing these missions can bless and transform your marriage.

The Mission of Parenting
A godly marriage blesses coming generations, both in the family and in the church. You will be equipped and encouraged with a biblical vision for helping future generations follow Jesus.

Faith and the Future of Your Family
God wants to use your marriage to make a difference in the world for Christ! Now is the time to capture that multi-generational, Gospel vision.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vain".

— Psalm 127:1

Every engaged couple wants a blessed and happy marriage! But great marriages don’t just happen. You need to know God’s purpose for marriage, and His calling for you as husband and wife. “Preparing For a Visionary Marriage” will lead you on a journey through the Bible where you will discover the ultimate meaning of marriage and practical steps you can take right now to build a marriage that will last a lifetime.
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