The Heart of Your Teen with Lissy Rienow - Visionary Family Ministries

Visionary Parenting

The HEarT of Your Teen

Build a better relationship with your teen so you can help them build a better relationship with God.

Parenting a teen can be quite the emotional roller coaster ride. Parents in the midst of this season of parenting want to better understand what teens are thinking and feeling. Lissy Rienow shares the teenage point of view about the toughest issues families face today. Her heart for families shines through as she encourages and equips parents to fight for a stronger connection with their teen. Readers will discover what is involved in building this heart-connection that brings families together.

Lissy Rienow Headshot
Lissy Rienow

With one older brother and five younger siblings, Lissy has a deep passion for helping teens live for Christ in their family relationships. She understands first hand how families struggle and need biblical encouragement and has a burning desire to see families build healthy, Christ-centered relationships with one another.

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